Saturday, November 14, 2009
Ten-Minute Post
My library time is short today because I've got to make it to a Deep Listening workshop with composer Pauline Oliveros. The choir I'm in is performing one of her pieces this December, a very nontraditional work called "Wind Horse" and written as a mandala. Yes, really. It's pretty challenging to go from Beethoven's Ninth to telling stories and making sounds as internal metaphors for the wind, because I have no idea what to do if there aren't notes on the page. But hey, neat, right?
In other "Susan Is Boring" news this weekend, I babysat for a nine-month old boy last night. We played for a while before I put him to bed, and I discovered that (shocker!) infants are even more satisfying to talk to than cats. They still don't mind if you monopolize the conversation, and they may even respond to you in ways you can follow. Also, this kid is going to be a great percussionist when he grows up. He was banging away on those empty formula cans like there was no tomorrow. For a while I beatboxed for him and he danced and laughed. It was pretty rockin' awesome.
Speaking of things that are pretty rockin' awesome, check out the heavy metal monk. Although he's recently retired because, as he says, "Satan made me too famous for my own good," Cesare Bonizzi was in an honest-to-God heavy metal band called Fratello Metallo. He is also an honest-to-God Capuchin monk (as opposed to an honest-to-God capuchin monkey.) Way to go, Fra Cesare.
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