Wednesday, November 11, 2009
WTF Wednesday 2: Ten-Second Irritations
First of all, check out the new Silent Top Five in the sidebar-- Geeky Lingerie That I Am Not Making Up. I've provided links to prove this point. You can actually purchase all of this stuff on the interwebs. (And, like all internet merchandise, I presume it will arrive neatly packaged and shot out of your end of the series of tubes.) Whether you would want to is something else again.
...Oh, who am I kidding. I'm a flaming nerd. I'd wear all of this stuff. (Except maybe the GPS undies, because I'm not sure my tinfoil hat would do an adequate job of blocking the signal from the gub'mint.)
Anyway, on to your regularly scheduled programming. I kind of blew my WTF Wednesday wad with my two-part rant on the health care legislation, so today is devoted to fleeting annoyance rather than righteous rage. A-like so:
- People who use the phrase IMHO (in my humble opinion) on internet debates? You are not all that humble.
- Stop running contradictory health stories already, newspeople. Eggs are good for you but bad for you, red wine is healthy and unhealthy, and now exercise is going to either save or ruin your body. Since all of these stories just boil down to "do what common sense suggests without going overboard," running all of them only encourages people like me who are easily frustrated with unclear directions to give the whole thing up as a bad job and spend the evening eating unbaked cookie dough with a spoon.
- On a related note, if the raw cookie dough has been pasteurized, don't even bother putting "BAKE BEFORE CONSUMING" in big letters on the packaging. You're only kidding yourself.
- Critics are complaining that selling better test scores as a fundraiser might "send the wrong message." I both agree and disagree with them. I agree because, obviously, being able to buy your way into grades you don't deserve further trivializes the value of education and gives students from well-off families yet another advantage over their less affluent classmates. (Because, you know, the rest of our educational system does not do that quite shamelessly enough.) Unfortunately, in the real world, you usually can buy your way into things you don't deserve, so the message, though spurious, is pretty accurate.
- I went to check, so as to be bipartisan in my annoying news coverage. I found, to my irritation, that... well, there were plenty of things that I found, to my irritation, and any of them could become its own WTF Wednesday. So let's just say that FOX News still exists and that's annoying.
- Nobody has yet invented a little transmitter which will allow you to understand what your cat wants when it stands on your knee and meows pitifully at you even when its food dish is full and refuses to be petted.
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